Released in the UK July 2002
Released in the US September 2002
Pocket paperback | 144 Pages
9781857927863 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – REL074000
There are some astonishing gaps in the information with which church leaders are expected to guide their congregation. Some things are never said that would be of great usefulness if brought to the fore, discussed honestly and learnt from. How much pain, heartaches and mistakes would be prevented if the topics in this book were explored.
These short and thought provoking chapters will enable you to think through the issues involved in leading a congregation in your own context and enable you to serve your flock with greater success.
Reid Ferguson
Rev. Reid A. Ferguson is the Senior Pastor and primary Preaching-Teaching Elder at Evangelical Church of Fairport, New York. He blogs at
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‘...the compassion of the pastor's heart is evident in every thought'
Ken Jones
Pastor, Glendale Missionary Baptist Church, Miami, Florida
‘... refreshingly candid, consistently thought-provoking, and eminently practical.'
Phillip R. Johnson
Executive Director, Grace to You Ministries, Sun Valley, California
‘Reid Ferguson clearly knows ministry inside out, he knows people with all their fears and foibles but more importantly he knows God. I have no doubt that this book will help to raise the bar...'
David Meredith
Mission Director, Free Church of Scotland, Edinburgh
This little book will be an invaluable addition to the libraries of those coming into pastoral ministry and a useful reference guide and reminder of priorities for those who have been in the ministry for many years.
Grace Magazine