Released in the UK March 2008
Released in the US May 2008
Large trade paperback | 424 Pages
9781845503451 • £10.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL006060
The major prophetic themes of the destruction of Israel’s enemies, the judgement of God upon Israel when she turns from him, and the peace that would result from living in harmony with God, are all here. There is also Messianic and future prophetic themes – such as the eternal reign of a king from the line of David (Micah) and the destruction of Jerusalem (Zephaniah). This fascinating period of Bible history is full of drama, wisdom and insight.
John L. Mackay
John L. Mackay (1948–2018) was the Principal of the Free Church College, Edinburgh where he taught Old Testament from 1983 until his retirement in 2013. He was a highly–respected Old Testament scholar and authored several well–received commentaries on a range of Biblical books.
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