Released in the UK March 2006
Released in the US May 2006
Large trade hardback | 640 Pages
9781857924978 • £19.99 $29.99
BISAC – REL006040
A compelling presentation of Paul’s theology enriched by insights from the field of Systematic theology.
Robert L. Reymond
Robert L. Reymond (1932-2013) taught for more than 25 years on the faculties of Covenant Theological Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri) and Knox Theological Seminary (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida). He held degrees from Bob Jones University and did post-doctoral studies at Fuller Seminary, New York University, Union Seminary (New York), Tyndale House, Cambridge, and Rutherford House, Edinburgh.
9781845505431 |
9781857922271 |
9781845505080 |
9781845501167 |
... an excellent an inspiring book, and will probably become a standard work. It should be on the shelves of every minister, theological student, and missionary.
'Dr. Reymond has applied his considerable skill in systematic theology to the study of the writings of the Apostle Paul... Dr. Reymond is feeding the mind and the heart simultaneously in the same way that Paul originally did. And that in itself is the reason to get this book and read it.'
George W. Knight III
Adjunct Professor of New Testament, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Greenville, South Carolina
This book is like a breath of fresh air to those who want to seriously study Paul as a person, a man with a mission and as a theologian. It covers all three areas of his life in harmony, leaving the reader with an all round picture of Paul. We often think of Paul as the great Apostle, giant among the early writers of Scripture and yes he was. This approach does much to dehumanize the man. Within the pages of this book I found that the human element had been restored, I found myself identifying with the man, and not just the Apostle. It is thoroughly academic, it sometimes becomes a little bogged down with footnotes, but the structure, layout, are fairly easy to follow and after a few pages begin too become more accessible. The book follows a biographical note, starting with Paul's early history and working through to his final days of ministry. It is split into two sections - part 1 Paul's missionary labours which is biographical and part 2 Paul's missionary theology, which examines his theology. I can safely put it on my shelf next to FW Farrer and D Smith, such is its quality and depth.
'This is quite a book! It tackles a big subject and grapples with it in a big way... Professor Reymond is both a New Testament scholar and a theologian, roles not always combined. He writes with admirable clarity and never evades issues, either exegetical or theological.'
Geoffrey Grogan
(1925-2011), Principal of Glasgow Bible College and well-respected author