Released in the UK November 2001
Released in the US January 2002
Pocket paperback | 160 Pages
9781857926774 • £4.99 $6.99
BISAC – REL012110
This book will challenge you about the growing isolation of the church from today's culture.
"This book gives us courage to stand for what is right, good true and without flinching, and to win the hearts as well as the minds by showing selfish love in a selfish society."
From the foreword by Sir Fred Catherwood.
Melvin Tinker
Melvin Tinker (1955–2021) was Vicar of St John’s Newland, Chairman of Yorkshire Gospel Partnership, Co–director of Northern Training Course and was a leading member of the Anglican group ‘REFORM’. He is a popular author on culture and faith.
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‘This very readable book is a bridge, over which God's unchanging Truth, revealed in the Bible, travels into everyday life in the 21st century, with all its challenges and problems. ...absolutely on target.'
David Jackman
Past President, The Proclamation Trust, London
"Happy optimists who are convinced all is well with the church in general and evangelicalism in particular should not read this book. They will find it too disturbing. But those who find themselves in anguish over the rising moral vacuity of the culture and in frustration over the tendency of some parts of evangelicalism to reduce Christianity to religious niceness and a self-defined experience of God, will find their minds renewed, their hearts stirred, and their wills strengthened."
D. A. Carson
Emeritus Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois
... rooted in Scripture. A challenging read. As Fred Catherwood says in the foreward, it 'gives us courage to stand for what is right, good and tru without flinching, and to win hearts as well as minds by showing selfless love in a selfish society.'
'Bold and perceptive in its exposure of secular society; searching, encouraging and compassionate in its challenge to the church. This is an outstanding and highly readable book which will serve to equip Christians for effective living in today's world.'
William Taylor
Minister, St. Helen's Bishopsgate, London