Released in the UK January 2007
Released in the US March 2007


Trade paperback | 176 Pages
Read to me: 7-9
Read Myself: 8-12
9781857928150 • £6.99 $9.99

BISAC – JUV033010

How God Used a Thunderstorm

Diana Kleyn and Joel R. Beeke

The mountains are dark and looming as the lightening splits across the sky. The forest offers shelter and in the distance the traveller spots a lamp. Rushing towards the door he doesn’t realise that someone has planned this journey – there is a woman in the house who needs to hear about her loving Savior, Jesus Christ. God has sent the traveller to tell her about himself.



There are lots of stories in this book. Read about the thunderstorm, some hidden treasure and a Bible in a suitcase as well as many other stories about how we should live for God and read his word.

Diana Kleyn
Diana Kleyn, a former elementary teacher and choir director, is a homemaker and prolific writer of Christian literature for children. She, her husband Chris, and their three children are members of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Joel R. Beeke
Joel R. Beeke is Chancellor and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and Pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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