As the pirates near the helpless ship they raise their grappling irons and prime their cannons for battle. The captain stands ready to defend his vessel and the lives of the people on board. The missionaries go to their cabins to pray. Can anyone stop these pirates? God can.
There are lots of stories in this book. Read about the pirates, a burglar and a Russian servant girl as well as many other stories about the amazing things that missionaries get up to as well as how God can change lives.
Scriptural references are taken from the King James Version of the Bible and the questions are based on this. Suitable for 7-12 year olds.
About Diana Kleyn
Diana Kleyn, a former elementary teacher and choir director, is a homemaker and prolific writer of Christian literature for children. She, her husband Chris, and their three children are members of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

About Joel R. Beeke
Joel R. Beeke is Chancellor and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and Pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan.