Released in the UK July 2015
Released in the US September 2015
Large trade hardback | 416 Pages
9781857922530 • £22.99 $29.99
BISAC – REL006060
The book of Amos is full of wordplays, double entendres, pictorial visions, and direct statements of fact and judgement. Smith's job is to address the historical, stylistice and interpretative aspects of Amos: not just what is written, but also how and why the prophecies are recorded. Each chapter ends with him drawing together the interpretative threads arising from the passage.
Gary V. Smith
Gary V. Smith taught at Union University, Jackson, Tennessee and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri.
9781781915806 |
9781857929386 |
9781845507381 |
9781845502706 |
... written with depth to please the scholar and a breadth of application to suit the needs of the preaching pastor. This is a readable yet insightful volume, full of sound scholarship and clear writing.