Released in the UK May 2002
Released in the US July 2003
Paperback | 96 Pages
Read to me: 3–11
Read Myself: 11
9781857928204 • £9.99 $17.99
BISAC – REL091000
Take the bible seriously and have loads of fun while you are at it! Book 3 covers Matthew, Mark and John. This will add another dimension to your teaching, encouraging the children to read the Bible and have firm foundations without compromising on fun and activity.
‘The Game Is Up’ clearly explains the teaching points, covers all major Christian doctrines and is reproducible. There are visual aids, puppet sketches and scripts.
Author of Alternative Sunday School Material 'On the Way' and the Youth Bible Studies Junction. TnT Minstries is currently headed up by Rory and Kim Bell having previously been run by Trevor and Thalia Blundell.
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‘The Game is Up is an amazing resource for Sunday School teachersof kids between the ages of three and nine, which is a major groupto cover since there is such an amazing change in maturity during these years. But the people at TnT Ministries have done an excellent job in puttingtogether a book full of ideas and resources for those working with these kids. There are easy to read instructions that are even easier to understand and to follow. This is a great book to pass on to the Sunday School workers in your life. Great job TnT Ministries. This is yet another wonderful release.'
Biblical ignorance is a plague not only in the land but in the churches. This material will cure the problem by giving children firm foundations in scriptural knowledge from their earliest years.
Dick Lucas
Formerly Rector of St Helen's Bishopsgate, London