Released in the UK July 2001
Released in the US September 2001
Large trade paperback | 304 Pages
9781857926576 • £7.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012120
All too easily our spirituality runs out of steam. How can we find `roots' that will last us a lifetime? Where can we find an ever-broadening vision of God?
Jesus has a solution for us, ready to hand. Life comes to us as we learn to pioneer in his Word: exploring its unknown regions, discovering what his Spirit has stored there to show us God's glory. Then turning that vision into worship, and radical action...
Pete Lowman
9781527100329 |
9781781913291 |
9781527104198 |
9781527112827 |
"Pete shares with us not only profound insights into the Word, but also his heart and becomes a great friend in the journey through the gateways of God."
‘A good and helpful book: sound, intelligent and challenging. Pete Lowman understands his Bible and its place in the modern world as well as in the believer's heart. He reads the Bible as a man of his times.'
Peter Lewis
Senior Minister, Cornerstone Church, Nottingham