Released in the UK September 2003
Released in the US November 2003


Large trade paperback | 503 Pages
9781857928792 • £12.99 $0.00

BISAC – REL067000

The Gender Neutral Bible Controversy

Is the age of political correctness altering the meaning of God's words?

Vern Poythress and Wayne Grudem

Updated edition with new chapters on the TNIV.

A battle has commenced. On one side - a large Christian publishing house and one of the largest Bible Societies in the world. On the other - a large Christian pressure group and an influential Christian weekly news magazine.

Respected theologians are to be found on both sides of the debate. A fog hangs heavily on the battlefield. So how do we make sense of the debate? Is there a serious threat to the accuracy of God's word, the Bible or is it all a storm in a teacup?

We trust that in reading 'The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy' you will understand the viewpoints with new clarity and be able to see past the emotions to the real issues involved.

Vern Poythress

Wayne Grudem
Wayne Grudem is Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary, Phoenix, Arizona. His most well known work is his Systematic Theology which has been very widely used for decades.

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