Released in the UK July 2025
Released in the US July 2025
Pocket paperback | 160 Pages
Read to me: 8–9
Read Myself: 9–14
9781527112155 • £6.99 $9.99
BISAC – JNF049180
In Victorian England, cricket champion C.T. Studd shocked society by giving away his fortune to become a missionary. Rather than live in luxury, he chose to face cannibals, disease, and danger in China, India, and Africa. With his brave wife Priscilla by his side, C.T.’s incredible adventures and unwavering faith would transform countless lives across three continents. His amazing true story shows how one person’s complete dedication to Jesus can change the world.
David Luckman
David Luckman is from Northern Ireland and has written several biographies in the Christian Focus Trail Blazer series. He is also the author of ‘Adventures in Acts’. He is married to Sarah and has two daughters.
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