Released in the UK November 2024
Released in the US November 2024
Large trade paperback | 296 Pages
9781527112292 • £17.99 $24.99
BISAC – REL067030
Cornelius Van Til claimed that all traditional apologetic methodologies are flawed and that those Reformed Christians who use such methods are compromising their theology. His sought an apologetic method that is truly consistent with Reformed theology. For almost a century, theologians have debated this topic. This book seeks to take the debate in a more constructive direction by clearing away as much misunderstanding as possible in order that we might add to discussions of apologetic methods the actual practice of apologetics.
Keith A. Mathison
Keith A. Mathison was born and raised near Houston, Texas. After graduating from Reformed Theological Seminary, he began working for Ligonier Ministries in 1996. He is Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformation Bible College in Sanford, Florida.
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My only mark against Mathison is that he did not write this book fifteen years ago.
Samuel G. Parkison
Assistant Professor of Theological Studies, Gulf Theological Seminary, United Arab Emirates; author, ‘To Gaze Upon God: The Beatific Vision in Doctrine, Tradition, and Practice’
… utterly convincing …
Derek W. H. Thomas
Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries; Retired Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina
This is a well–researched work on an important (and often contentious) topic. Mathison is to be commended for writing a book that is careful, clear, and charitable. Whether you consider yourself a committed Van Tillian, an appreciative critic of Van Til, or even if you’ve never heard of Cornelius Van Til, this book advances the discussion in a positive way. It is refreshing to read a book that aims to bring light into a difficult topic instead of just heat.
Kevin DeYoung
Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, North Carolina
Mathison should be commended for his humility and diligence to move the discussion forward in the best of ways.
Harrison Perkins
Pastor, Oakland Hills Community Church (OPC), Farmington Hills, Michigan; author, ‘Righteous by Design: Covenantal Merit and Adam’s Original Integrity’