Released in the UK January 2025
Released in the US January 2025
Trade paperback | 128 Pages
9781527111875 • £8.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012160
This book was written to showcase how God uniquely uses the ‘vanity’ inherent in the work of motherhood to display the beauties of the gospel. The mundanity is a signpost pointing us to the glory of God if we’ll let it. In the calling of motherhood, God transforms our sight and opens our eyes to the gospel paradoxes of weakness as strength, smallness as glory, inefficiency as faithfulness. Our lives and actions, surrendered to Him like loaves and fishes, can become showpieces of gospel hope and glimpses of eternal joy.
Simona Gorton
Simona Gorton lives with her husband and three children in an old farmhouse in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which they love to fill with good food and better friends. Growing things out of the dirt, hearing her children’s made–up stories, and reading John Buchan are some of her greatest loves. She has authored youth and adult biographies of Elaine Townsend and worked as the International Operations Manager of 9Marks.
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… draws our eyes up from the mundane (and chaotic!) in front of us to the unseen spiritual battle for our families, and the victory we already have in Christ. … warm, funny, thoughtful, scriptural, and eminently relatable.
Dayspring MacLeod
Author & Editor
The simplicity and depth of the gospel ring out in this book as Simona meditates on words of eternal life and helps young moms apply them to their lives.
Gloria Furman
Author, ‘A Tale of Two Kings’ and ‘Labor with Hope’
… Simona’s work will spur mothers on to joyfully embrace gospel truths as they swim against the culture and impact society one child at a time.
Mary K. Mohler
Director, Seminary Wives Institute, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
… has captured the beauty of the power of the gospel of grace as we sift, sort, and work out lives of repentance and hope because of the glorious finished work of Christ.
Karen Grant
Pastor’s wife and co–founder of Franklin Classical School, Franklin, Tennessee