Released in the UK November 2024
Released in the US November 2024
Large trade hardback | 560 Pages
9781527111738 • £25.99 $39.99
BISAC – REL006830
Revelation was written in such a way that it should be not only intelligible to any Christian who reads or hears its words, but also a blessing to the person who obeys and believes what it says. Simply put, God intends for Revelation to be understandable, edifying, and enjoyable! Scholarly but conversational in style, Storms has written for those who do not have a working knowledge of Greek but does not shy away from the numerous important technical and exegetical details that appear all through Revelation. He provides insight into both the nuances of the Greek text and the deep doctrinal issues in Revelation in such a way that the average Christian adult can grasp. An excellent read for those looking to better grasp the blessings to be found in understanding this book.
Sam Storms
Sam Storms is Pastor Emeritus at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City, the President of Enjoying God Ministries, and Executive Director of the Convergence Church Network.
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Sam Storms has written an accessible, faithful, and pastorally applicable commentary on Revelation … at the same time it is informed by careful scholarship. We need to hear the message of Revelation in our churches, and Storms’s commentary aids us in that task.
Thomas R. Schreiner
James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Associate Dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
… uniquely blends exegetical insight, theological depth, pastoral application, and passionate worship. Storms is a trustworthy guide to John’s apocalyptic visions, which stir our minds and hearts to live for Christ while longing for the beauty and blessings of the age to come.
Brian J. Tabb
Bethlehem College & Seminary & Managing Editor of Themelios, Minneapolis, Minnesota