Released in the UK September 2024
Released in the US September 2024


Pocket paperback | 160 Pages
Read to me: 6–8
Read Myself: 9–14
9781527111622 • £6.99 $9.99

BISAC – JNF049180

John and Charles Wesley

Two Brothers, One Faith

David Luckman

Step into the 18th century and meet John and Charles Wesley, brothers whose unwavering faith sparked a spiritual revolution. Marvel at the thrilling tales of faith, courage, and resilience as the Wesley brothers navigate challenges, triumphs, and divine encounters. From the vibrant Oxford University to the bustling streets of London, you will see how God worked in and through their lives, through their unyielding dedication to spreading the message of love and grace.

David Luckman
David Luckman is from Northern Ireland and has written several biographies in the Christian Focus Trail Blazer series. He is also the author of ‘Adventures in Acts’. He is married to Sarah and has two daughters.

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