Released in the UK July 2024
Released in the US July 2024
Trade paperback | 128 Pages
9781527111707 • £8.99 $11.99
BISAC – REL074000
Joel Littlefield’s short, highly practical book will inspire pastors to develop coalitions, for their own good, to strengthen the local church, and advance the Kingdom of God. With very practical guidance on how to go about forming these alliances for joint action, Littlefield helps identify the important qualities to look for in coalition members, and inspires readers to see how leading by example is crucial, and being a disciple is as important as making disciples.
Joel Littlefield
Joel and his family planted New City Church in Bath, Maine where he has been the lead pastor since 2017. He has been married to his wife Callie since 2003, and together they have 4 children. Joel is a regional leader for The Pillar Network, a SEND Network church planter trainer, and the author of ‘Beeline to the Cross: For Salvation and all of Life’.
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… a groundbreaking, yet ageless guide for pastors, urging them to unite with like–minded peers to foster vibrant, flourishing communities of faith springing forth from their own dedication to kingdom living.
Robert Smith Jr.
Charles T. Carter Baptist Chair of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama
… cuts to the chase and gives workable strategies for building a coalition of pastors in a local community who will join arms to multiply gospel work. I encourage you to read this book and to put its message into practice.
Phillip Newton
Director of Pastoral Care and Mentoring, The Pillar Network Wake Forest, North Carolina; author, ‘40 Questions about Pastoral Ministry’
This book calls pastors to prepare for this reality by forming friendships—forming brotherhoods—with other pastors, so together they can bless, equip, and encourage one another. I believe every pastor will benefit from reading it and following its counsel.
Tim Challies
Author, ‘Seasons of Sorrow’
… offers practical guidance for creating healthy, Christ–centered, and edifying pastoral coalitions. May the irenic spirit of which Littlefield speaks prevail in our day for the sake of Christ and His kingdom!
Joel R. Beeke
Chancellor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan