Released in the UK July 2024
Released in the US July 2024


Large trade paperback | 376 Pages
9781527111356 • £14.99 $19.99

BISAC – REL108020

Time for Favour

Scottish Evangelism among the Jewish People: 1838–1852

John Stuart Ross

In the middle of the nineteenth century, God began to lay on the hearts of his people in the Church of Scotland a concern for the evangelisation of the Jews. The response resulted in a quarter of a million eastern European Jews finding salvation in their Messiah in the second half of the same century. John Stuart Ross, author of The Power and the Glory: John Ross and the Evangelisation of Manchuria and Korea, brings his thorough research and engrossing writing style once more to this fascinating story. 

John Stuart Ross
John Stuart Ross has fifty years’ experience in mission (in Nigeria, international Jewish evangelism, and South Africa) and pastoral ministry (Belfast and Scotland). His PhD, from the University of Wales, Lampeter, is on Scottish Missions to the Jews. He has written books and many articles. Married to Elizabeth, they have three children and nine grandchildren.

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