Released in the UK May 2024
Released in the US May 2024
Large trade paperback | 368 Pages
9781527111042 • £15.99 $22.99
BISAC – REL006760
Philip Eveson brings helpful, insightful application to show the unchanging relevance of the book of Chronicles for us today. Eveson’s commentary is split over two volumes, however, he reminds us that 1 and 2 Chronicles are one undivided book and they should be read as such. He shows how the whole book points to Jesus, and how it is relevant to Christians today. This book will be helpful to any readers who are seeking to find a deeper understanding of the books of Chronicles.
Philip H. Eveson
Philip H. Eveson lives with his wife and family in Wrexham and worships at Borras Park. He held pastorates in Wales and London and lectured in Hebrew and OT theology at the London Seminary and became the second principal. He has preached and lectured in many parts of the world and has written a number of commentaries.
9781857925166 |
9781845502706 |
9781527111035 |
9781845502515 |
… lucid, scholarly, accessible, and reverent … likely to be my ‘go to’ commentary on these books.
Christopher Ash
Writer–in–Residence, Tyndale House, Cambridge
These two volumes display excellent linguistic knowledge, fine theological discernment, and most useful practical application of passages. This is what makes them so significant, and they will be welcomed as an outstanding contribution to the books of Chronicles.
Allan Harman
Research Professor of Old Testament, Presbyterian Theological College, Melbourne, Australia
One’s head hurts to think of all the labour Philip Eveson poured into this study of Chronicles … all along his applications keep the kingship of Jesus in clear view. Makes me want to go back and study through 1–2 Chronicles all over again.
Dale Ralph Davis
Author and Old Testament Scholar