Released in the UK January 2024
Released in the US January 2024


Large trade paperback | 320 Pages
9781527110946 • £12.99 $17.99

BISAC – REL012120

Following Jesus in an Age of Quitters

The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards for Today

John D. Gillespie

In 1722, an 18–year–old Jonathan Edwards began setting down seventy resolutions, personal statements of intent, to which, by the grace of God, he held himself accountable for the rest of his life. He read them prayerfully once a week until his death in 1758. John Gillespie here examines each resolution in the light of scripture and encourages modern readers to meditate on how they could apply Edwards’ resolutions to their own lives.

John D. Gillespie
John, together with his wife, Tessa, has pastored churches in the UK and USA for forty years. They now live in Cornwall in the UK. They have also travelled extensively with Global Training Network to love, equip and encourage pastors and workers in the Majority World. They have seven children and twenty–four grandchildren (so far!).

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