A testimony to the sufficiency of God in the gruelling day–to–day reality of raising a child with a mental health disorder.
Mental health disorders have become increasingly prevalent, especially in children and teenagers. Suicide is the 3rd highest cause of death in fifteen– to nineteen–year–olds around the world. This effect of the Fall has left thousands of families in despair, confusion, and impotent desperation. Leslie Schmucker knows this all too well.
Writing to encourage other parents who find themselves in a similar situation, she explores different aspects of her and her family’s experience with their daughter, Jackie. Through violence and mayhem, joy and hope, intense isolation, shame and confusion, Leslie’s honest testimony to the goodness of God is humbling.
Leslie’s testimony is split into four sections:
- Comfort from the God who Knows
- Sufficiency in the Fallout
- Guidance in the Storm
- Hope for the Journey
Life in our post–Fall world is not always neat, not every story looks like a success, but Leslie shows us how the gospel is for every situation, the love of God is for everyone, and He can be trusted to write our stories. Whether you are raising a child with a mental health disorder or not, this book will challenge your comfortable Christianity and show you a love beyond measure.

About Leslie Schmucker
Leslie Schmucker worked for over a decade with mentally ill children. She directs the special needs program at Dayspring Christian Academy in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She has written for The Gospel Coalition and Desiring God, and blogs at She and her husband Steve have three grown children and eight grandchildren.