Released in the UK January 2023
Released in the US January 2023
Pocket paperback | 112 Pages
9781527109667 • £3.99 $4.99
BISAC – REL109030
Chastity is a word that isn’t used much these days, but it means exercising sexual self–control in line with the moral teachings of the Bible. It means honoring God, respecting others, and embracing the liberating beauty of God’s order. But how do we do that in today’s recreational dating culture? And how do we think about dating and, ultimately, marriage? David Ayers has written this helpful little book to help you think through these questions, and understand why this is such an important part of the Christian life.
David J. Ayers
David J. Ayers is professor of sociology and former dean, interim provost, and vice president for academic affairs at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. His books include ‘After the Revolution: Sex and the Single Evangelical’ and ‘Why Would Anyone Get Married?’. He and his wife, Kathy, have been married forty years and have six children, three sons–in–law, and six grandchildren.
9781527108431 |
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Like his other publications, this brief book is full of truth so desperately needed in our youth culture.
Joe Tyrpak
Senior Pastor, Tri–County Bible Church, Madison, Ohio
In a culture that shrinks down sex to empty hook–ups, pixilated courtships, broken promises and soul–less encounters, David Ayers reminds us that Scripture calls us to a bigger, more beautiful, more passionate love story. … a real eye–opener for any young person who wants to take seriously their heart, their mind and their body.
Duffy Robbins
Professor of Christian Ministry, Grove City College, Pennsylvania
… brings a passionate appeal, for the people of God to reject the counterfeit lies of our general culture by reminding us of the all but forgotten Biblical notion of chastity both within and outside marriage.
Robert G. Hall
Author of ‘I Believe: A Guide to the Christian Faith in the Apostles’ Creed’
David Ayers has blessed teachers, mentors, counselors, and pastors with this readable and thorough book. Ayers combines sociological expertise with biblical truth and common sense wisdom for a uniquely compelling argument for God’s perfect plan for sex.
Nathanael Devlin
Senior Pastor, Beverly Heights Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania