Released in the UK January 2023
Released in the US January 2023
Pocket paperback | 104 Pages
9781527109650 • £3.99 $4.99
BISAC – REL109030
Social media is a tool that can be good. It can connect us with friends and family with an immediacy that previous generations could only wonder at. But it can also be used unwisely. Whether it’s harsh words, regrettable posts, or excessive scrolling, we should think about how God wants us to engage with social media. What does the Bible teach us? Jason Thacker’s helpful guide will help students explore the wisest ways to use social media.
Jason Thacker
Jason Thacker serves as director of the research institute and chair of research in technology ethics at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. He also serves as an adjunct instructor of philosophy, ethics, and worldview at Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the author of several books, including his latest ‘Following Jesus in a Digital Age’.
9781527104495 |
9781527107984 |
9781781917442 |
9781845507756 |
Students often ask, ‘where do I start?’ when attempting to comprehend and navigate the challenges of our digital age. A Student’s Guide to Social Media provides a solid launching point to understanding the difficulties of the digital age and how to faithfully navigate them while remaining rooted in the Christian faith.
Katie Frugé
Director of Center for Cultural Engagement & The Christian Life Commission, Baptist General Convention of Texas
This is a short, important and a book that will help us all to reflect on our use of social media – or should that be social media’s use of us?
David Robertson
Well–known pastor and apologist
We are always being discipled; either by culture or Christ. A danger of the world’s discipleship is that it often goes unnoticed. Track: Social Media wonderfully aids us in remaining sober–minded as we engage with social media to ensure that our use of technology conforms us to Christ, not culture.
J. Garrett Kell
Pastor, Del Ray Baptist Church, Alexandria, Virginia
To use your tools well, it is crucial that you understand how they will attempt to shape your heart, mind, and soul. For that reason and many more I highly recommend reading A Student’s Guide to Social Media.
Tim Challies
Author, ‘Seasons of Sorrow’