Released in the UK March 2023
Released in the US March 2023
Hardback 242 X 172 | 40 Pages
Read to me: 4–6
Read Myself: 7–10
9781527109452 • £7.99 $10.99
BISAC – JNF049140
God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and tell the people there to stop doing bad things and turn back to God. But Jonah took a boat in the opposite direction, so God sent a big storm and Jonah ended up in the belly of a big fish. When Jonah finally told the Ninevites God’s message, they turned away from their evil ways, but instead of rejoicing, Jonah was angry. Brian Wright and John Brown show us how Jonah points to Jesus, and teaches us about compassion and obedience.
Brian J. Wright
Brian J. Wright (Ph.D.) is the founding pastor of Redeemer Community Church in Pensacola, Florida, and author of more than a dozen books, including ‘The Rhythm of the Christian Life’, and ‘Communal Reading in the Time of Jesus’.
John R. Brown
John Brown (Th.M.) is the founding pastor of Denia Community Church in Denton, Texas. Previously he trained missionaries and taught international pastors.
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Here is a series that introduces small children to the world and words of biblical prophets. These books fill a large gap in the Christian nurture of young children.
Duane A. Garrett
John R. Sampey Professor of Old Testament Interpretation at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
With bright illustrations and lots of animal pictures, God’s Daring Dozen provides a fun and helpful way to increase biblical literacy and open some less familiar parts of Scripture to young listeners.
The Gospel Coalition
What a great resource for families! Kids’ books on individual books of the Bible. True to Scripture and accessible to little ones. I can’t wait to read these to my own children.
Andrew Abernathy
Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois and author of ‘God’s Messiah in the Old Testament’
John and Brian have captured the message of these books and packaged them in a form ideal for parents who hope to train their children up in the faith.
James M. Hamilton Jr.
Professor of Biblical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky