Released in the UK January 2023
Released in the US January 2023
Large trade paperback | 136 Pages
9781527109414 • £9.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL008000
Are you confident in the Word of God? Are you certain that God speaks to you in and through the pages of the Bible? Daniel R. Hyde exhorts readers to grow in their certainty that the Bible is the Word of God, to know with their hearts as well as their heads that God has spoken, and continues to speak, through his Scriptures. When troubles come, it is crucial that your confidence in what God has said is strong.
Hyde hopes that by having a good grounding in what the Bible says about itself, Christians will be well equipped to stand firm.
Daniel R. Hyde
‘Pastor Danny’ (PhD, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) serves the Oceanside United Reformed Church in Carlsbad/Oceanside, California.
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This book by Danny Hyde helps us to know what the Word of God is, where we can find it, and then how we can learn the art of the spiritual reading of Scripture as the Word of God for our lives.
Andrea Ferrari
Pastor, Chiesa Riformata di Perugia, Italy
As Dr. Hyde rightly says at the beginning of this book, the difficult days of the apostle Paul are no different from ours. The Word of God continues to be doubted, denied, and destroyed. For this reason, I believe this book is pertinent for our days. In simple words, Dr. Hyde approaches the study of Scripture and puts it into practice.
Luis Alarico
Director del Programa Interno, Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano, Colombia
All the different facets of this glorious diamond of the Bible touched me, humbled me, and brought me to worship the God of the Scriptures: what a privilege that God speaks to us.
Willem van Vlastuin
Professor of Theology and Spirituality of Reformed Protestantism, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Bible we hold in our hands has been breathed–out by God himself! With the compassion of a pastor, the fortitude of a theologian, and the wits of a historian, Daniel Hyde sets our footing on this sure foundation.
Matthew Barrett
Associate Professor of Christian Theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri