Released in the UK January 2023
Released in the US January 2023


Large trade paperback | 144 Pages
9781527109384 • £9.99 $14.99

BISAC – REL03000

God is God and You are You

Finding Confidence for Sharing Our Faith

Thomas Davis

Evangelism is crucial, it is exciting, it is wonderful. But it is also hard. Often, sharing our faith with other people is the area of our Christian lives where we feel useless. The Bible contains a wealth of truth that is a powerhouse of encouragement for evangelism, and Thomas Davis reveals it here, including the basic truths that God is God and you are you. God is who he has always been: infinite, unchangeable, all–powerful, at work in his world. And he has not called a select group of elite Christians to tell the world about Jesus; he has chosen his weak, insecure, ineloquent people. He has chosen you.

Thomas Davis
Thomas Davis is a minister in the Free Church of Scotland who has served at St Columba’s Free Church in Edinburgh and Carloway Free Church on the Isle of Lewis. He is also a visiting lecturer in Systematic Theology and Church History at Edinburgh Theological Seminary. He is married to Una and they have three children, Tom, John and Annie.

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