Released in the UK November 2022
Released in the US November 2022
Large trade paperback | 160 Pages
9781527109124 • £10.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL108020
One of the key questions the Protestant Reformation asked and answered was: how does a person get right with God? In approaching this question, the Reformers set out to rediscover and establish the bounds of essential Christianity through five declarations: sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), sola gratia (grace alone), sola fide (faith alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), and sola Deo gloria (the glory of God alone). Nate Pickowicz’s guide will help us understand not only the Reformation, but the Christian faith itself.
Nate Pickowicz
Nate Pickowicz is the teaching pastor of Harvest Bible Church in Gilmanton Iron Works, New Hampshire. He is also the author of several books including ‘Why We’re Protestant’, ‘The American Puritans’, and ‘How to Eat Your Bible’. He and his wife, Jessica, have three children.
9781845507015 |
9781781919866 |
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… we so desperately need that same Spirit of the Reformation to blow through our churches once again. May this introduction to those foundational tenets of evangelical religion be used of God to do just that.
Mike Riccardi
Pastor at Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA; Assistant Professor of Theology, The Master’s Seminary; Author of Sanctification: The Christian’s Pursuit of God–Given Holiness
Nate Pickowicz has done a masterful job in revisiting the importance of the Reformation and why Protestants need to keep contending for the Fives Solas that distinguish Roman Catholicism from Biblical Christianity.
Mike Gendron
Director of Proclaiming The Gospel
This is a refreshing and compelling presentation of the heart of Biblical Christianity: the five Solas of the Protestant Reformation. Such clear proclamation of Gospel truth is desperately needed in our age; we are led to rejoice in our great salvation, and warned of the dangers of deviating from this true path.
Bill James
Principal, London Seminary, London, UK
His clear and concise points remind the mature and educate the learning of God’s triumphant grace, and may also rescue some lost souls from the devil’s snares!
Gabriel Hughes
Associate Pastor of First Baptist Church, Lindale, TX; Creator and Voice of When We Understand The Text