Released in the UK November 2022
Released in the US November 2022
Large trade paperback | 144 Pages
9781527108981 • £8.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012070
One of the clearest and repeated things the Bible tells us about worry is: Don’t. This short book is designed to help us understand worry all the way down to its roots and all the way up to its worst fruits. By the blood of Christ, we can see progressive and sustainable victory over worry in our lives. Olan Stubb’s wise book is an ideal read for anyone who struggles with worry.
Olan Stubbs
Olan Stubbs is Director of Campus Outreach at Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama. He is a husband and father of four.
9781527104501 |
9781527108394 |
9781527100428 |
9781527106918 |
God, in Scripture, tells us not to worry, and he backs it up with glorious promises, deep and wide. So too this book takes our worries, however trite or terrible they may seem, with seriousness. Following Jesus’s lead, Olan is not afraid to say, ‘Don’t worry,’ and then back it up with Scripture’s great heights and depths.
David Mathis
Executive Editor,; Pastor, Cities Church, Minneapolis/St Paul
I rejoice that Dr. Olan Stubbs’ direct, probing, and biblical counsel that has so often helped me is now available for wider audiences.
Harrison Perkins
Pastor, Oakland Hills Community Church (OPC), Farmington Hills, Michigan; author, ‘Righteous by Design: Covenantal Merit and Adam’s Original Integrity’
Here is rich theology in pastoral wisdom for those who would feast on the goodness of God in the land of the living, to take away worries and to stand solid in a chaotic world.
Robert Davis Smart
Lead pastor at Christ Church (PCA), Bloomington–Normal, Illinois
The solutions given in this volume are not platitudes or simply behavior modification distractions. They are Gospel–saturated, Christ–centered, biblically–affirmed and grace–empowered. Read on – Enjoy and employ.
Harry L. Reeder III
(1948 – 2023) Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama