Released in the UK November 2022
Released in the US November 2022


Large trade hardback | 360 Pages
9781527108912 • £15.99 $22.99

BISAC – BIO018000

The Power and the Glory

John Ross and the Evangelisation of Manchuria and Korea

John Stuart Ross

John Ross spent 40 years of his life in Manchuria and left behind an amazing legacy of culturally sensitive evangelism, innovative missionary principles, and a rich vein of translations, including the first version of the New Testament in Korean. John S. Ross’s riveting biography tracks not only his life, but also the social, political and spiritual influences which shaped his life and work. God is still using John Ross’s labours to grow his Kingdom in South and North Korea today.

John Stuart Ross
John Stuart Ross has fifty years’ experience in mission (in Nigeria, international Jewish evangelism, and South Africa) and pastoral ministry (Belfast and Scotland). His PhD, from the University of Wales, Lampeter, is on Scottish Missions to the Jews. He has written books and many articles. Married to Elizabeth, they have three children and nine grandchildren.

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