Released in the UK September 2022
Released in the US September 2022
Trade paperback | 144 Pages
9781527108974 • £9.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL006750
The character of Jacob that we meet in chapters 25–35 of Genesis is a fascinating one. A kaleidoscopic blend of deviousness and doggedness, of trickery and tenacity, of folly and faith. As readers we can’t help being drawn into his story. With his trademark wit and perceptive comments Dale Ralph Davis guides us through the story of this rogue and traces the evidence of grace, providence, blessing throughout his life.
Dale Ralph Davis
Dale Ralph Davis is a renowned Bible teacher who lives in rural Tennessee. He has been a pastor in various churches and was Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi.
9781781916445 |
9781527100060 |
9781781913048 |
9781527104792 |
… a taste of Dr. D’s clever wit, rich illustrations, expositional precision as well as his gift for explaining a text in ways that engages both biblical scholar and everyday man in the streets. Every pastor would benefit from having Dr. Davis’ collection in his library.
Pat Davey
Assistant Pastor, Eastern Shore Presbyterian Church, Fairhope, Alabama
This is the kind of book to … bring all of God’s people to lift up their hearts to a faithful, durable God who has rascals in His family, and knows how to save them despite themselves. Davis will leave readers and disciples with more hope than they’ve had in ages.
Michael W. Philliber
Senior Pastor, Heritage Presbyterian Church (PCA), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
God’s Rascal is vintage Davis. Whether you are a first–timer to Ralph’s expositions or a groupie like me, you will greatly benefit from this book on Genesis 25–35. Jacob is indeed ‘God’s Rascal,’ but he is a rascal saved by grace.
Chris O’Brien
Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Picayune, Mississippi