Released in the UK July 2022
Released in the US July 2022
Trade hardback | 160 Pages
9781527108479 • £9.99 $12.99
BISAC – BIO018000
Enjoying an intimate relationship with Christ, Thomas Charles worked tirelessly preaching the gospel, educating the poor to read the Bible, then obtaining Bibles in Welsh and other languages for people to read. There is much to learn from Charles’s commitment to Christ and His church, his love of the Bible and awareness of divine providence as well as his experience of genuine revivals. As we learn about Thomas Charles’ life and faith may we follow his example in communing intimately with our risen, exalted Lord and proclaim Him passionately to the whole world.
D. Eryl Davies
From North Wales, Eryl Davies was converted as a student and ordained into the Presbyterian Church of Wales, serving churches in South and North Wales. He was called to become the first principal of what is now Union School of Theology, serving now as a Research Supervisor. He is an elder in Heath Church, Cardiff. Married with two children, he also enjoys being with his young grandchildren, writing, reading theology, current affairs and, when there is time, sport !
9781527106482 |
9781527106932 |
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9781527106468 |
In this heart–warming book on the life of Thomas Charles, Eryl Davies helps us get a glimpse into the providence of God that changed not only one life, but the lives of many, many others around the world. Exploring his conversion, lessons learnt at university, a romantic pursuit that lasted nearly a decade, opposition, struggles, loss, illness, and revival, this is a book that will encourage and challenge.
Jonathan Thomas
Pastor, Cornerstone Church, Abergavenny, Wales; author, ‘Intentional Interruptions: Learning to be Interrupted the Way God Intended’
… charming, searching, and inspiring … Dr. Davies’ compelling narrative not only aids the recovery of Thomas Charles, it strengthens hope that we might see a like movement of God’s grace and power.
Tim J. R. Trumper
President of From His Fullness Ministries and Senior Pastor of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
May this highly readable biography encourage us to pray for the birth and growth of the Church amongst indigenous groups across the world today who are discovering that God speaks into their lives in the language of their heart too.
Hector Morrison
Principal, Highland Theological College, Dingwall
This is a brilliantly written little book about a person who deserves to be better known than he is today … The book will inform, challenge and encourage twenty–first century Christians and churches worldwide. Buy it, read it and see for yourself!
Philip H. Eveson
Former principal of London Theological Seminary