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Track: WomanhoodA Student’s Guide to Womanhood

Track: Womanhood

A Student’s Guide to Womanhood

Abigail Dodds
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Who decides what it means to be a woman? We’ve been let down by the constantly changing narrative from oppressive men and quarrelling women in a society that is driven by consumerist agendas.


Our creator, God, has only one agenda: our good and his glory. Abigail Dodds’ short, readable book tackles this important topic and shows the beauty of the role that God has created for women. The Bible offers a clear vision for women: in God’s story, we’re victors not victims.


Addressing key questions, this book is crucial reading for any young woman who seeks to glorify God. What does it mean to inhabit a female body, a female mind? In what ways do women reflect God’s glory? What does the Bible say about the role Christian women play?



  • From Chaos to Creation and Back Again
  • A Woman Reborn
  • Commissioned With Our Bodies
  • Recommissioned for Righteousness
  • Wholehearted Women Shaped by the Whole Council of God
  • Womanly Virtues and Virtuous Women
  • Romantic Love or Lack Thereof
  • Owning Our Agency
  • What Will Being a Christian Woman Cost Me?
  • Appendix A: What now?
  • Appendix B: Other Books and Resources

Track is a series of books designed to disciple the next generation in the areas of culture, doctrine, and the Christian life. While the topics addressed aren’t always simple, they are communicated in a manner that is.


With the intention of the content being absorbed, examined and applied, each chapter includes a summary of the main point, and reflection questions that can be used individually, in 1–2–1 mentoring or in a group setting.

Abigail Dodds

About Abigail Dodds

Abigail Dodds (M.A. Bethlehem College & Seminary) is a wife, mother of five children, and a member at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minnesota. She is the author of ‘(A)Typical Woman’ and ‘Bread of Life: Savoring the All–Satisfying Goodness of Jesus through the Art of Bread Making’. She regularly contributes at


  • Author: Abigail Dodds
  • Release Date: July 2022
  • Pages: 112
  • Format: Pocket paperback
  • Dimensions: 178 x 110
  • ISBN: 9781527108424
  • Imprint: Christian Focus
  • Category: Ministry & Evangelism > Youth Ministry
  • Series: Track


Today, many claim that the Bible is bad news for women. Nothing could be further from the truth! In this accessible and engaging book, Abigail Dodds shows that God’s creation design is good news – for all of us!

Sharon James, Social Policy Analyst, The Christian Institute

Do you know that there is eternal purpose and meaning to your womanhood? It runs deeper than your skin, your clothes, your relationships, and even your self–perception. With honesty, wisdom, and clarity, Abigail Dodds reveals that God’s vision for our gender, our bodies, our singleness, our marriage, is so much bigger than that of the world. And Abigail strengthens our arms: demonstrating that though we live in a battle to preserve God’s biblical womanhood, we are not victims but women victorious in Christ!

Natalie Brand, Bible teacher and author of ‘Priscilla, Where Are You? A Call to Joyful Theology’
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