Released in the UK May 2022
Released in the US May 2022


Trade hardback | 128 Pages
9781527108394 • £8.99 $12.99

BISAC – REL012120

God’s Spirit

The Antidote to Chaos

Reuben Hunter

This book contains a reminder and a profound encouragement for the Christian. You have been given the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ and he is working beautiful qualities in you. You have the resources you need at your disposal to live a life of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self–control. Isn’t a life marked by these beautiful qualities what everyone is seeking? We look in all kinds of places to find it, we put ourselves under all kinds of stress trying to achieve it, and yet here is God offering it to us as a gift. Come and welcome to the good life.

Reuben Hunter
Reuben Hunter has been the pastor of Trinity West Church in West London for 9 years. He is married to Louisa and they have four children who keep him happily busy.

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