Released in the UK March 2022
Released in the US March 2022
Large trade paperback | 160 Pages
9781527108066 • £9.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL012120
The garden provides the perfect image for the work of grace in our lives. In fact, Scripture often uses plant–based metaphors to describe the life of the believer. From the planting of the gospel seed to growing into oaks of righteousness, Kenneth Wingate explores these different aspects to show how we can flourish in Christ and bear fruit for him.
Kenneth B. Wingate
Kenneth B. Wingate is a lawyer in Columbia, South Carolina. He is a member of First Presbyterian Church (Associate Reformed Presbyterian), where he is an elder and Bible teacher. Ken is the author of ‘A Father’s Gift: Lessons from Proverbs’, and ‘Run with Endurance: The Triumph of Faith’.
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Ken Wingate wants you to wallow in grace. In this manual for the Christian life he writes of deep grace with such a light touch—and good sense. Insights abound; the book is simply fun to read.
Dale Ralph Davis
Author and Old Testament Scholar
Rich Grace in Poor Soil leads you to the very heart of God. For anyone who feels bruised, hurt or worn out, this book will refresh the soul. Written with a sharpness of insight and a flair for illustration, Rich Grace in Poor Soil is a tonic.
Derek W. H. Thomas
Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries; Retired Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina
Christians delight to read about grace in the way that happy families pore over old holiday photographs. In this book, Ken Wingate uses the Biblical image of a vineyard to unpack grace in its various and diverse aspects in a way that is both simple and profound. This is warm nourishment for the soul.
Iain Duguid
Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Engaging and encouraging, this book digs into the deep soil of divine grace to display wonders that will lead its readers into praise. If you are looking to grow spiritually and enlarge your understanding of God’s marvelous ways, this is the book for you!
Richard D. Phillips
Senior Minister, Second Presbyterian Church, Greenville, South Carolina