Released in the UK January 2022
Released in the US January 2022


Large trade paperback | 280 Pages
9781527107908 • £9.99 $13.99

BISAC – REL067000

The Trustworthiness of God’s Words

Why the Reliability of Every Word from God Matters

Layton Talbert

This is a book about God’s jealousy for his integrity, his passion to be believed, on the basis of his words alone. Throughout Scripture God expresses his determination to be known as the God who keeps his words. He has resolved that every person and nation will see and confess that all his words are reliable down to every last syllable, jot, and tittle. Learning to trust a God who is sovereign and in control, especially in the ache and throb of life, means hanging on to the conviction that everything he says is utterly dependable.

Layton Talbert
Layton Talbert (PhD, Bob Jones University) is professor of theology at BJU Seminary. He has also authored books on the doctrine of divine providence (Not by Chance: Learning to Trust a Sovereign God) and a reader’s commentary on the book of Job (Beyond Suffering: Discovering the Message of Job).

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