Released in the UK November 2021
Released in the US November 2021
Large trade paperback | 208 Pages
9781527107267 • £9.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL012120
If you have ever struggled with deep disappointments, unanswered prayers, or found your life crumbling around you, Conspiracy Theory was written just for you! The roadmap for this book travels through one of the most loved and popular portions in the Bible – Psalm 139. It takes you on a journey from the heights of intimacy to the inevitable lows that life brings us. Real intimacy with God is incredible but will require honesty, wrestling with difficult issues and asking challenging questions. Come along on this possibly life–transforming journey – it’s well worth the trip.
Richard Gibbons
Richard Gibbons is the Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Greenville, South Carolina. He holds joint honors in Ecclesiastical History and Systematic Theology, and a DMin. Richard and his wife Ruth have one son, Michael. He was the chair of the ECO Denomination’s Theology Task Force, and the Chaplain of the Day for the U.S. Senate in 2018.
9781871676549 |
9781527107038 |
9781857927184 |
9781781915851 |
With warm and wise reflections on one of the greatest songs ever written, coupled with engaging examples from across scripture, Dr Gibbons applies key truths about God’s character and purposes in ways which are profound yet personal, and challenging yet life–changing, showing us how much God knows, cares, acts and loves.
Jonathan Lamb
Minister–at–large for Keswick Ministries, IFES Vice President, and former Director, Langham Preaching
… warm devotion and faithful doctrine take us deeper and deeper into each verse of this transformational Psalm, growing our confidence that God is good even when life is hard.
Tim McConnell
Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Colorado Springs, Colrado and author of ‘Happy Church: Pursuing Radical Joy as the People of God’
… winsome … full of wise exposition and application of Psalm 139. Richard not only takes us through the text a few verses at a time but also draws on the whole of Scripture, like all good Christian writers and teachers ought to.
Alistair Purss
Lead Pastor, Dumfries Baptist Church, Scotland
This book winsomely reveals that God is not against us but for us and ever working to shape us into his beloved children. I sincerely wish I had had this book to give to the countless number of people who came needing to hear its message of God’s loving presence and constant care.
Mark R. Patterson
Director, Flourish Institute: School of Ministry