Released in the UK July 2023
Released in the US July 2023
Large trade hardback | 224 Pages
Read Myself: 12+
9781527107052 • £12.99 $16.99
BISAC – YAN048000
Lots of people are seeking something. Some are seeking things that don’t exist (like the Loch Ness monster), others are simply seeking happiness. Jesus promises that those who seek God will find him. And this book will help you on the way to seeking him. Ask questions. Engage with the answers. Think through these issues for yourself.
This engaging follow–up to the popular A.S.K. takes 52 new questions from real teenagers. Covering issues from society, education, the Bible, theology, God, each short chapter contains a question, a Bible passage, a verse, a discussion, something to consider, further reading and a prayer.
David Robertson
David Robertson, author of ‘The Dawkins Letters’ and ‘Magnificent Obsession’, is a well–known pastor and apologist who is passionate about engaging culture with the message of Christ.
9781527103399 |
9781781911433 |
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SEEK is an awesome book for teenagers. It’s filled with great questions and even better answers. The chapters have interesting topics and it helps you see just how amazing God is.
Abby O’Brien
Sydney, Australia (age 13)
This book explains confusing issues in life. It’s a glimmer of light in a world of darkness.
Peter Tice
(age 12)
Where was this book when I was in High School?! Even though I was in church most Sundays, I still had many questions about God and life. Who do you trust and where do you start? No judgement, no drama, just good Biblical thought.
Angela MacKenzie
Vice President, SuperChannel; Gospel musician and pianist
We live in a time when so many questions about the Christian faith and current issues feel like they’ve become weaponised. I love David Robertson’s fearless and friendly way of stepping into the path of sticky and sometimes confronting questions that can flummox, threaten and confuse young and old alike. And I love how a book David has written for youth turns out to be such valuable resource for all of us!
Colin Buchanan
Christian Children's Recording artist and author, Sydney, Australia