Released in the UK July 2021
Released in the US July 2021
Pocket paperback | 96 Pages
9781527106949 • £3.99 $4.99
BISAC – REL012070
We all belong to a culture. From the shows we watch to the language we use to the food we eat; culture shapes the way we look at the world, the way we act, the way we think. It affects so much of our lives, and yet we are rarely aware of it. If we are not careful, it can push us away from God’s good desires for who we are and how we live in our world.
This short, helpful book from the Track series encourages young adults to think about what it means to live in the culture but to follow God’s ways rather than the ways of the world.
Walt Mueller
Walt Mueller is the founder and President of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding. He is also the host of Youth Culture Today, a syndicated radio show and podcast.
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… this slim volume offers important wisdom and truth that can be used to think Christianly about a host of cultural realities. Get this book for your kids, students, and teens. But first read it yourself — because we all have things to learn and progress to make when it comes to living Christianly.
Crystal Kirgiss
Author, speaker and teacher, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana Young Life VP of Discipleship
Our gospel glasses have become so muddied by ‘what’s right by the world’ that we struggle to see cultural issues clearly through the lens of Biblical truth. For this reason, I wish I could put this book in the hands of every Christian teenager, and adult too for that matter.
Kristen Hatton
Author of ‘Exodus: The Gospel–Centered Life for Students’, ‘Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World’ & ‘Get Your Story Straight’
As Walt points out, our kids are marinating in a secular culture and they are often doing it without any biblical guidance. We must choose to be a stronger, more convincing, Christ–centered voice to our young people. This is a must–read.
Julie Lowe
Counselor and Play Therapist
What makes Walt Mueller such an important resource for youth workers is that he’s a keen student of both the culture and the Word. And he puts both of those tools to good use in this little book. The book is readable, biblical, and, of course, up–to–the–minute relevant.
Duffy Robbins
Professor of Christian Ministry, Grove City College, Pennsylvania