Released in the UK November 2020
Released in the US November 2020
Trade paperback | 256 Pages
9781527105881 • £8.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL009000
Lengthy, heavy, theological tomes have their place, but sometimes we need a simple way of understanding the doctrine that is central to our faith. The Westminster Shorter Catechism is designed to do just that. Randall Greenwald takes the question and answer format that it follows and, in short chapters, encourages us to dig for the gold that is to be found in its pages. Read, and be enriched.
Randall Greenwald
Randall Greenwald pastors Covenant Presbyterian Church in Oviedo, Florida, and is a guest lecturer at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. A graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary, he previously wrote the family worship guide ‘As for My House’. He and his wife Barb have six children and many grandchildren.
9781527102408 |
9781857922509 |
9781781918104 |
9781857922882 |
Finally a book of theology and the Reformed faith that won’t bore the reader to death. This is a book that will be such an incredible tool for small study groups, leadership training and laypeople who are often looking for an understandable and useful guide to the Christian faith.
Steve Brown
Founder and Bible Teacher, Key Life Network, author, ‘Laughter and Lament: The Radical Freedom of Joy and Sorrow’
Randy Greenwald’s Something Worth Living For is the help we need to point us back to the ancient paths. This important work will strengthen God’s people toward a beautiful orthodoxy that our confused world so desperately needs to see.
Ray Cortese
Senior Pastor, Seven River Presbyterian Church, LeCanto, Florida
Catechisms are an ancient and time–tested method that Christians have employed to pass on the core of what they believe about God and what He requires believers to do. Through a simple question–and–answer approach, young and old have been taught biblical truth about our great God and His ways. Randall Greenwald’s new discussion of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, one of the most treasured of these catechisms, is indeed a welcome tool for exploring the riches of this particular catechism and, even better, for growing in the grace of the Lord Jesus.
Michael A. G. Azad Haykin
Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
This book is a needed addition to family and church libraries, to every pastor’s study, and to seminary curricula. I will use it as a help in my personal devotions as well as in my teaching ministry. I recommend it highly!
Michael E. Osborne
Dean of Students, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando and Author of ‘Surviving Ministry: How to Weather the Storms of Church Leadership’