Released in the UK November 2020
Released in the US November 2020
Large trade paperback | 320 Pages
9781527106079 • £14.99 $19.99
BISAC – REL067000
There is no book better than the Bible. It is God’s own word. He breathed it into existence. He does wonderful things in and by it. But there is hardly a book more assailed, mocked, and assaulted than the Bible. New Testament Professor Guy Prentiss Waters delves into the doctrine of Scripture. Addressing the revelation, inspiration, inerrancy, sufficiency and perspicuity of the Bible, he also engages with what some other prominent theologians had to say on the subject.
Guy Prentiss Waters
Dr. Guy Prentiss Waters is the James M. Baird, Jr. Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi. He is a Teaching Elder in the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley (Presbyterian Church in America).
9781781919088 |
9781527102354 |
9781527103917 |
What can be more important than understanding the Book that God gave us? Dr. Guy Waters thoroughly, carefully, and winsomely sets before us the riches of the doctrine of Scripture. He alerts us to faulty thinking of the past and the present and also commends to us a faithful and orthodox view of the Bible, the very words of God, which are life itself.
Stephen J. Nichols
President, Reformation Bible College, Sanford, Florida; author, ‘Track: A Student’s Guide to Apologetics’
While Christians put their trust in the Lord, their knowledge of the Lord depends upon His sure and steady Word, the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures is central to the Christian faith. Guy Waters helps us to listen to God’s testimony in His Word to the inspired reliability of His Word. This much-needed, well-written book stands firmly in the tradition of Augustine, Calvin, Turretin, and Warfield as it teaches and defends the Bible’s inspiration and authority.
Joel R. Beeke
Chancellor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
This is an important contribution to a discussion necessitated by what an apostle called ‘God’s oracles’ (Rom. 3:2) in an intellectual atmosphere that prizes human speculation over divine revelation.
Robert W. Yarbrough
Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri
Given the fact that apart from God’s self–disclosure in Scripture, the church has no objective warrant for making theological claims, it is always welcome and necessary to have books that expound and defend Scripture as God’s Word written. In this very helpful and readable work, Guy Waters gives us a faithful exposition of what Scripture is by discussing the classic attributes of Scripture in light of the Reformation and contemporary discussions. For Christians today who want to articulate and defend what Scripture is as God’s authoritative and trustworthy Word, especially in light of current challenges, this book is a must–read!
Stephen J. Wellum
Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky