Released in the UK September 2020
Released in the US September 2020
Large trade paperback | 224 Pages
9781527105577 • £9.99 $13.99
BISAC – REL012120
Following God’s call to cross cultural mission, Ellis’ experience from political upheaval, physical hardship, and burn out, to caring for his wife, Adèle, through her Alzheimer’s, he would have been unable to hold fast without a robust biblical understanding of God’s providence and sovereignty. With feeling and honesty Ellis weaves anecdote with biblical meditation, allowing scripture to form the lens through which the world, in all its frightening chaos, is viewed. A personal, pastoral, faith building read, it offers scriptural reflection not trite answers – robust wisdom for guidance, encouragement and challenge for Christians of all ages and stages.
David Ellis
An engineer, former minister of the Church of Scotland and Director of OMF International UK, David Ellis and his wife Adèle travelled widely together for more than fifty years of service. After caring for Adèle through her Alzheimer’s he now lives in Dundee and serves as an elder in the Free Church.
9781781919682 |
9781527103061 |
9781527100282 |
… David doesn’t hesitate to bare his soul, and grasp the sovereign compassionate promises of God. As you read, you’ll walk with David and almost feel his pulse beat. You’ll laugh. You’ll ponder deeply your life’s experiences as you measure yours against his. You’ll be spurred on to greater trust in the Way, the Truth and the Life. Enjoy and grow.
Robert Benn
Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Australia
David’s honesty and touches of humor in speaking of lessons learned enables us to better grasp God’s unique work in each of our lives and to motivate us to press on and finish life well.
Dan Bacon
Leadership Consultant, OMF
David is a man who has experienced danger, sorrow and difficulties in some of their rawest forms. Yet what he has given us is a warmly written book, full of Scriptural reflection, that will both move and instruct its readers to see God’s faithfulness in every part of life.
Andrew Hunter
Director Scotland & North Of England Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
Rich treasures from two rich, rich lives. Sandwiched by their own love story at the beginning and the end, David Ellis writes beautifully and profoundly, and challenges us as readers to a faith that is daring and uncommon today.
Os Guinness
Author and Conference Speaker