Released in the UK July 2020
Released in the US July 2020
Large trade paperback | 264 Pages
9781527105393 • £12.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL045000
Gospel doctrine is the lifeblood of mission. Most missionaries in church history have prepared for the field with rigorous study and theological training, but there has been a move away from that in recent times. E.D. Burns contends that this is dangerous, leaving people ill–equipped to deal with the difficulties mission life brings. This brotherly plea challenges those who are already in, or are considering joining, the mission field to rest in Christ’s work and abide in His Word.
E.D. Burns
E.D. Burns, PhD, has been a long–term missionary in the Middle East, East Asia, Alaska, and Southeast Asia, where he is a professor at Asia Biblical Theological Seminary. He is also the executive director of training and development at ABWE. He has authored numerous books about missions, theology, and spirituality, including ‘Great Commission Spirituality’, ‘Karmic Christianity’, and ‘The Transcultural Gospel’.
9781527101128 |
9781781911471 |
9781857924978 |
… warns us of dangerous landmines, guides us through the thicket of contemporary missions issues, and offers us a Christ–centered, biblically serious, church–minded, and grace–driven approach to missions.
Christopher Morgan
Dean of the School of Christian Ministries and Professor of Theology, California Baptist University, Riverside, California
Tenacious. That word kept coming to mind as I read this book. I met Burns when we were students together. He was the one leading spontaneous prayer meetings for the nations and speaking about the glory of God. Neither would let him go. This work represents that happy union of theology and mission after two decades in the meat smoker of study and experience. Here is a book on the church and her mission and a theology of both; a book that holds onto the doctrine of sola scriptura and to the practice of global missions as though everything depends on it. Let this book convince you—or re–convince you—that indeed everything is at stake.
Trent Hunter
Pastor for Preaching and Teaching, Heritage Bible Church, Greer, South Carolina
… thought–provoking … helps release the missionary from this self–focused introspection and find hope, assurance, and endurance in the all–sufficient power of Christ and His Word. The result is a Gospel–driven approach to mission that is theologically rich, Spirit–empowered, and biblically informed.
James A. Blumenstock
Dean & Associate Professor of Philosophical Theology, Asia Biblical Theological Seminary, Chiang Mai, Thailand
I rejoice that he writes clearly, simply, and directly with both conviction of the soul and an irrepressible insistence that Jesus be exalted among the nations. My prediction: you will read this book twice!
Mike Abendroth
Pastor, Bethlehem Bible Church, Boylston, Massachusetts & Host of No Compromise Radio