Released in the UK July 2020
Released in the US July 2020
Large trade paperback | 264 Pages
9781527105393 • £12.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL045000
Gospel doctrine is the lifeblood of mission. Most missionaries in church history have prepared for the field with rigorous study and theological training, but there has been a move away from that in recent times. E.D. Burns contends that this is dangerous, leaving people ill–equipped to deal with the difficulties mission life brings. This brotherly plea challenges those who are already in, or are considering joining, the mission field to rest in Christ’s work and abide in His Word.
E.D. Burns
E.D. Burns, PhD, has been a long–term missionary in the Middle East, East Asia, Alaska, and Southeast Asia, where he is a professor at Asia Biblical Theological Seminary. He is also the executive director of training and development at ABWE. He has authored numerous books about missions, theology, and spirituality, including ‘Great Commission Spirituality’, ‘Karmic Christianity’, and ‘The Transcultural Gospel’.
9781527101128 |
9781781911471 |
9781857924978 |
The Missionary–Theologian cuts like a surgeon’s scalpel, graciously excising the disease and bringing wholeness to form a theology and philosophy of missions that is emphatically biblical. As a pastor in the local church, this work brings great hope to my soul for the future of missions and its enduring legacy, rooted in fidelity to sound doctrine. For too long, we in the West have minimized the heart of gospel ministry as being profoundly and primarily theological. Instead we have substituted biblical truth with the temporary, pseudo–spiritual remedies of man–centered experience and emotion. Dr. Burns has written with clarity, boldness, and accuracy to call all who value the glory of God among the nations to reconsider and retool for a ministry founded upon the power of the Word of God. His writing here cannot be missed or overlooked in our churches, our seminaries, or on the field. Read it and apply!
Brian Fairchild
Pastor, Colonial Bible Church, Midland, Texas
Don’t let the word ‘theologian’ in the title fool you. There’s nothing ‘ivory tower’ about this book. To the contrary, Burns articulately argues that missionaries should, indeed, be out and about and engaged in God’s global mission. He does so with rich and insightful doses of Scripture, history, theology, and missiology, as well as illuminating examples from his own life and others’. As both a missionary and a theologian, Burns has written with aplomb and authority; as an impassioned follower of Christ, he’s written with humility and hope.
João Mordomo
Co–Founder and Vice–Chair, Crossover Global and Senior Associate, Lausanne Movement
The Missionary–Theologian is a must read for all Christian leaders, even more so for those called to serve as missionaries. Since the Bible is the Word of God, it contains the self–sufficient content and strategy for missions. The missionary should know how to properly handle, proclaim, and obey it. This book is a clarion call for lives that bear fruit that last.
Carlos Calderón
Vice President, Partners International
It is refreshing to once again have available for mission practitioners a strongly biblical approach to and subsequent evaluation of, the praxis of missions. Written by a perceptive ‘missionary–theologian,’ Burns guides missionaries how to be theologically adept as they perform their high calling as God’s global message bearers. I cannot recommend this book enough.
Marvin J. Newell
Staff Missiologist