Released in the UK July 2020
Released in the US July 2020
Pocket paperback | 160 Pages
Read to me: 8–9
Read Myself: 9–14
9781527105294 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – JNF049180
At 25 years of age Maud Kells went to the Congo as a medical missionary with WEC International. She went to replace others who had been recently martyred. Years later she herself found herself close to death. This is the story of a young Irish girl who went to Africa despite her family’s objections due to the call on her life of a God who assured her, ‘I am with you I am all you need’. Maud found that out to be absolutely true in all circumstances.
Jean Gibson
Jean and her husband Brian live in Northern Ireland. Jean has written several Christian books including titles inspired by her passion for mission and Africa.
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