Released in the UK May 2020
Released in the US May 2020
Pocket hardback | 160 Pages
9781527104778 • £6.99 $8.99
BISAC – REL012120
God made sexuality. It is a gift and stewardship from God. But his purpose for our sexuality has been distorted by sin. Gavin Peacock and Owen Strachan encourage us to look at what God says about homosexuality, but also at the glorious truth of Christ’s defeat of sin and redemption of our identities.
Gavin Peacock
Gavin is husband to Amanda and father to Jake and Ava. He is associate pastor at Calvary Grace Church of Calgary, and the Director of International Outreach for CBMW. He played football professionally for Chelsea, QPR and Newcastle Utd and was a pundit on BBC Match of the Day.
Owen Strachan
Owen Strachan is Provost and Professor of Theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary in Conway, Arkansas.
9781527104761 |
9781527104785 |
9781781917640 |
In a world where sex has become everything, anything, and nothing, Strachan and Peacock do a masterful job at helping the church recover and keep a Biblical theology of sexuality. In a sex–crazed world, here are wise words that are timely, truthful, and transformative!
Philip De Courcy
Senior Pastor of Kindred Community Church, Anaheim Hills, California
We daily awake to a culture saturated with sexual temptation and confused about sexual identity. Instantaneous and worldwide media accelerate and proliferate these sinful ideologies in an unprecedented way. The Bible, however, provides supernatural power to overcome sexual temptation and divine definition for sexual identity. In this straightforward and powerful series, Strachan and Peacock relay a message of hope, transformation, and biblical recalibration because of Christ. These pages are a reveille bugle to wake up a generation sedated by sinful, sexual trajectories. This series is for pastors, parents, and anyone who desires biblical clarity in a world of confusion.
Rick Holland
Senior Pastor, Mission Road Bible Church, Kansas City, Kansas
Technology often only conspires with our wandering and warped passions to leave us in a state of enslavement and despair. However, this trilogy of books points to God’s word as our only hope through its holistic teaching on sexuality and through the gospel of God’s redeeming grace. I cannot too highly recommend a prayerful study of these books. They might prove a life–saver!
Conrad Mbewe
Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Kabwata, Zambia; Founding Chancellor, African Christian University, Lusaka, Zambia
These books are floodlights in the worldly storm. They don’t claim to be exhaustive, but neither are they exhausting. They offer much–needed confidence to regular Christians on pilgrimage in this new dark age. But most of all, this trilogy highlights the compassion of Jesus Christ in the gospel. Read these books, share them with others, and let hope pierce the present darkness.
Clint Humfrey
Senior Pastor, Calvary Grace Church, Calgary, Alberta