Released in the UK March 2020
Released in the US March 2020


Pocket paperback | 80 Pages
9781527104518 • £2.99 $3.99

BISAC – REL012120

Track: Sanctification

A Student’s Guide to Sanctification

Ligon Duncan and John Perritt

Knowing that we have been saved by what Jesus has done rather than by what we have done is amazing. But how does this knowledge affect the way we live? What’s the point in being good if we will be forgiven anyway? The Bible says that God’s forgiveness frees us to live for him and through the Holy Spirit we can grow to become more and more like Jesus. Ligon Duncan and John Perritt dive into what that means in this short book.

Ligon Duncan
Ligon Duncan is the Chancellor and CEO of the Reformed Theological Seminary System where he is also John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology. Prior to his appointment he was Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi.

John Perritt
John Perritt is the Director of Resources for Reformed Youth Ministries (rym.org) and serves as the host of The Local Youth Worker podcast for RYM. He is the author of Time Out! (2018) & Insecure (2019). He and his wife, Ashleigh, live in Ridgeland, MS, with their five children.

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