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Reenchanting HumanityA Theology of Mankind

Reenchanting Humanity

A Theology of Mankind

Owen Strachan
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Swimming against the cultural current.

Reenchanting Humanity is a work of systematic theology that establishes a biblically grounded doctrine of humanity.


Strachan meets controversy head on and presents a view of humanity that sits in stark contrast with the popular opinions of the modern age. Life makes sense when we understand our identity as made in the image of God.


Tackling the major anthropological questions of the age, like transgenderism, homosexuality, technology, and more, author Owen Strachan establishes a Christian anthropology rooted in Biblical truth.  


Accessible for all: readable and relatable yet accompanied by comprehensive footnotes for scholars seeking to take the discussion further.


Clear, consistent, compelling and, at its core, counter–cultural. This book is a lifeline; enabling the church to keep its head above the water in the stormy sea of secular anthropology. 


Owen Strachan

About Owen Strachan

Owen Strachan is Provost and Professor of Theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary in Conway, Arkansas.


  • Author: Owen Strachan
  • Release Date: November 2019
  • Pages: 432
  • Format: Royale Hardback 234 X 156
  • Dimensions: 234 × 156
  • ISBN: 9781527105027
  • Imprint: Mentor
  • Category: Bible Study > Theology > Anthropology


Every book Owen Strachan writes is worth the cover price, but ‘Reenchanting Humanity’ doubly so. Strachan tackles the pressing biblical, theological, and cultural issues pertaining to human existence and experience. As he does, Strachan is resolutely orthodox, helpfully prescient, and unmistakably clear. Strachan offers the reader a guided tour through biblical anthropology, and any who desires to engage these issues owes it to himself to buy and read this book.

Jason K. Allen, President, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Not only is Strachan enjoyable to read, but I find that he helps me communicate traditional systematic assertions in arresting and memorable ways. I commend this volume to scholars, seminarians, and pastors as we seek to reflect faithfully on and teach clearly about all that God says in the Scriptures about man.

Ligon Duncan, Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
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