Released in the UK January 2020
Released in the US January 2020
Hardback | 72 Pages
9781527104662 • £9.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012110
‘Dear Mommy…’
So begins the correspondence from an unborn baby to her mother. Making an impassioned plea to her mother to not abort her, she shares her hopes and fears with the woman who can control whether she lives or dies. These letters are an appeal to all who read them to choose life.
Mark Jones
Mark Jones is the Minister of Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church (PCA), Vancouver, Canada. He is married to Barbara and they have four children.
9781781916827 |
9781781919859 |
9781527101791 |
… beautiful and yet unflinchingly honest, emotional and yet filled with objective truth, creative and yet focused on matters of life and death. It was written by a well–respected theologian, and yet it is very simple to read. And if this book has come in to your hands, reading it is exactly what I would encourage you to do. It won’t take long, but it may change everything.
Megan Hill
Author of ‘Contentment’ and ‘Praying Together’; Editor, The Gospel Coalition & mother of four (by birth and adoption)
Nothing is more personal than the beginning of a child’s life in the womb—or the termination of that life by abortion. If I Could Speak gives a voice to an unborn child, and her appeals to her parents to allow her to live are deeply moving and profoundly illuminating. Using sanctified imagination and yet solemn reality, Mark Jones provides us with the best book that I have ever read to reach both mind and soul on the dreadful holocaust of abortion. You simply must read this book—it will move you to biblical tears, righteous anger and heartfelt prayer simultaneously—and then pass it on to many others.
Joel R. Beeke
Chancellor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Imagine granting an innocent child a public hearing before they were led off to be killed. This innovative book re–awakens to the true horrors of abortion by humanizing what’s at stake. Mark Jones has taken imaginative writing to a new level on behalf of the most vulnerable people in our world, the unborn. Can we listen to them? Will we give them a hearing?
Tony Reinke
Writer for Desiring God & author of Lit!
I love the fact that Mark Jones has added his God–given skills to the call that is getting louder and louder to bring to a screeching halt the wanton slaughter of unborn babies. ‘If I Could Speak‘ is an imaginative and impassioned appeal to the conscience that enables us to hear the voice that is often drowned by our emotions. May this voice and appeal be heeded!
Conrad Mbewe
Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Kabwata, Zambia; Founding Chancellor, African Christian University, Lusaka, Zambia