Released in the UK November 2019
Released in the US November 2019
Large trade paperback | 240 Pages
9781527104235 • £12.99 $16.99
BISAC – REL006000
Inspiring quotes and inspirational stories will always be popular, but they rarely change lives. After reading the quote, hearing the story, and experiencing some feelings, we often go about our business as usual. What we need is a spiritual resource that helps us focus on heart issues, life change, and the rhythm of the Christian life.
This year–long devotional takes 365 questions asked in the New Testament, and shows you how to change your focus, reorder your affections, and reprioritize your loves. It will compel you to love God and others more selflessly, and wean your heart off the lies and lures of this world.
Brian J. Wright
Brian J. Wright (Ph.D.) is the founding pastor of Redeemer Community Church in Pensacola, Florida, and author of more than a dozen books, including ‘The Rhythm of the Christian Life’, and ‘Communal Reading in the Time of Jesus’.
9781527102941 |
9781527101425 |
9781781918890 |
What a marvellous idea to deal with the questions that the Bible deems worthy to deal with. God knows the snags in our thinking and addresses them before we do. This book will be a blessing to all who read it!
Tommy Nelson
Senior Pastor, Denton Bible Church, Denton, Texas & author of several best–selling books
I’ll be taking this book home and reading the daily devotions around the family breakfast table this coming week.
Robert L. Plummer
Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
‘Inspired Questions’ is very accessible and needed, and I am glad to see it in print. Read it with an open bible, an open heart, and an open door for others to join you!
J. P. Moreland
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University and author of ‘Finding Quiet’
Sit still with the questions in this book. Or better yet, stand and walk and run and lie down with these questions on your mind. Allow them to scrutinize your heart motives. Discuss them with your kids and your friends. See how the Spirit highlights the aching desire of your heart and it’s incredible fulfillment: knowing and being known by God. Learn to ask (and keep asking!) this question with Asaph and revel in its glorious answer, “Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you” (Ps. 73:25).
Gloria Furman
Author, ‘A Tale of Two Kings’ and ‘Labor with Hope’