Released in the UK May 2019
Released in the US May 2019
Trade paperback | 144 Pages
9781527103337 • £7.99 $9.99
BISAC – REL108020
The Protestant Reformers of the sixteenth century regained, retold, and relied on the gospel of grace — and we can learn from their tragedies and triumphs, their dark deeds and noble heroics. The stories of Ulrich Zwingli, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, John Calvin and Thomas Cranmer remind us of the glorious truths which warmed the hearts and fired the souls of passionate and imperfect people, and how they tried to share the good news of Jesus Christ in their generation. Will it strengthen and inspire passionate and imperfect Christians today to emulate their clarity, their courage, and their compassion for the lost?
Lee Gatiss
Dr. Lee Gatiss is the Director of Church Society, Editor of the NIV Proclamation Bible, and a Lecturer in Church History at Union School of Theology. He lives in Cambridge, UK.
9781781919866 |
9781845507015 |
9781845505530 |
A delightfully different romp through some occasionally unexpected corners of the Reformation, viewed from a unique perspective. In a scholarly but very readable manner, Gatiss sheds light on its theology, critical importance, and relevance for gospel ministry today
Andrew Reid
Principal, Evangelical Theological College of Asia, Singapore
With realism, clarity, and his characteristic twinkle, Lee Gatiss shows just how profoundly and practically relevant the stories and issues of the Reformation remain today. Our churches will be more healthy and fruitful if they can learn these lessons.
Michael Reeves
President and Professor of Theology, Union School of Theology, Bridgend, Wales
In his usual eloquent and articulate style, Dr Lee Gatiss illuminates the wisdom of the Protestant Reformers and the continuing truth of Almighty God’s gospel of grace. … compels the reader to stand firm in the foundation of faith which was courageously taught by men and women of the 16th century.
Julian Dobbs
Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word in North America
… historically informed, accessibly readable, and relevantly applied. A great service for the church and beyond.
Adriaan Neele
Research scholar, associate editor and director of the Jonathan Edwards Center, Yale University