Released in the UK November 2003
Released in the US January 2004


Large trade paperback | 352 Pages
9781857928969 • £14.99 $23.99

BISAC – REL080000

The God-Centered Preacher

Developing A Pulpit Ministry Approved by God

Robert L. Reymond

Walk into most Christian churches in the western world today and the chances of you hearing a biblically relevant message is, to be polite slim. Even churches claiming to be evangelical or reformed to often tend towards market led, comforting talks on the one hand and impenetrable, jargon filled theological lectures on the other. How can preachers maintian a sensible balance? Roberts Reymond has trained hundreds of pastors and has an intimate understanding of the areas where preachers are inclined to fail He often points to 8 qualities that all pastors should aspire to in their ministries, qualities that are all to often lacking.

Robert L. Reymond
Robert L. Reymond (1932-2013) taught for more than 25 years on the faculties of Covenant Theological Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri) and Knox Theological Seminary (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida). He held degrees from Bob Jones University and did post-doctoral studies at Fuller Seminary, New York University, Union Seminary (New York), Tyndale House, Cambridge, and Rutherford House, Edinburgh.

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