Released in the UK May 2019
Released in the US May 2019
Pocket paperback | 192 Pages
Read to me: 8–9
Read Myself: 9–14
9781527103085 • £6.99 $9.99
BISAC – JNF049180
There was something about John Chrysostom and the words he spoke that lit up his world.
He was an important leader of the early church, known so much for his preaching and public speaking that he was given the nickname Golden Mouth. He spoke his mind and followed his convictions.
It didn’t matter if you were rich or poor John spoke the truth – emphatically. Even the empress fell under his criticism which eventually led to his exile and death.
Dayspring MacLeod
Dayspring MacLeod splits her heart between her home country of America and her newer home of Scotland. She is the author of ‘10 Women Who Overcame Their Past’ and ‘10 Women Who Were Spiritual Mothers’. She is also an editor and writes fiction in her spare time. Find her blog at
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